Simpson Enterprises has long been meeting the metrology needs of its customers.
We are more than just a sales organization. We are a respected authority on gaging
and often assist customers with the design of quality control solutions. We provide consulting and
training services in metrology. Our technical competence comes from nearly 25 years
of experience. You can count on practical solutions to your metrology and quality control needs.
· Top-quality gages and gaging products with proven records
of customer satisfaction from such manufacturers as
Deltronic, Gage Assembly Company, and Shimpo
· Wide-range of products which include cylindrical gages,
thread gages, calipers, tachometers, force gauges,
sensors, comparators, and video measurement
· Competitive prices
· Best possible deliveries
· Same day shipment of stock items
· Gages and comparators manufactured to ANSI standards
and NIST traceable


At Simpson Enterprises, customer satisfaction is guaranteed by our attention to meeting your needs.
We deliver top-quality gages, comparators, video measurement equipment and force gauges at competitive
Our experienced sales and technical staff will provide FREE phone technical assistance
and prompt response to all inquiries.
In an effort to show our commitment to our customers, we have provided the information
on this site to help you determine the right metrology products for your specific quality control
needs. We hope this will answer many of your questions, saving you time and money in your
decision making process.
· Manufacturer information: Product Line Card
· Find detailed descriptions, photos, and design schematics: Product Specifications
· GO/NOGO and Sizing Charts: Engineering and Technical Specifications
· Request a Quote or Information from our site: Request a Quote/Information
· Find Assistance on how to order the correct products: How to Order
We encourage you to call us so we may answer any remaining questions you have. While this site is
provided to save you valuable time, it does not replace the invaluable opportunity of speaking with you about your product
Call us today and let us prove our commitment to you as a customer: (800) 336-2903.